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100 Wooden Structures Regained Life in Fatih

As Fatih Municipality we registered 6,288 civilian architecture structures to keep 8500 years of heritage alive while completing restoration of 99 structures. Restoration of 100 wooden structured are continuing in Zeyrek. With these efforts we aim at preserving our neighborhood culture and urban fabric.

20 August 2024
100 Wooden Structures Regained Life in Fatih

Fatih Municipality continues to contribute to İstanbul’s cultural wealth with examples of civilian architecture carrying traced of 8500 years of ancient history. Hosting three grand civilizations, Fatih encompasses one thirds of cultural assets of İstanbul and the majority of these assets are examples of civilian architecture. Carrying traces of daily life and traditions, these structures reinforce historic fabric of the city and are very important for protection of traditional neighborhood culture and urban architecture.

These structures, which have become derelict over time due to reasons such as neglect, multiple ownership disputes and abandonment, are in danger of being lost and pose a risk to public security. Fatih Municipality started project preparation, maintenance and repair works for protection of these valuable structures and their transfer to next generations. In the scope of “Cultural Heritage Inventory of Fatih” effort that was initiated in 2021 in this framework, current state of 6 thousand 288 examples of civilian architecture were determined and documented with photos.

In order to ensure the safety and sustainability of the structures, the municipality prepares surveys of these buildings based on order of priority and importance which are submitted for the approval of the Preservation Board. In addition to these meticulous documentation, simple maintenance-repair and restoration works are carried out with a holistic approach, especially in World Heritage Sites and areas with dense traditional housing fabric.

In the scope of efforts, 99 examples of civilian architecture were repaired in line with the original and historic fabric of the city was revived. Remaining faithful to the original form and ratios was aimed during restoration of these structures to leave a stronger and durable heritage to the next generations. Restoration works of 100 wooden structures in Zeyrek Neighborhood continue without interruption. The fact that Fatih Municipality undertakes these efforts on a complimentary basis once again displays the importance it attributes to cultural heritage and its determination to protect this heritage.

These efforts towards protecting historic fabric of Fatih do not only keep traces of history alive, but also reflect a consciousness of responsibility towards the future. Keeping examples of civil architecture alive has a great meaning in terms of maintaining the traditional neighborhood culture and preserving the urban fabric. The efforts carried out by Fatih Municipality in this context constitute important examples in terms of protecting the cultural and historical heritage of the district.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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