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"Edura Kindergarten" in Berlin visits our FANÇO and Children's Day-care Centres

The kindergarten team of "Edura Kindertagestätten Yuvam gGmbH" in Berlin visits Children's Libraries and Mother and Child Centres of Fatih Municipality on May 14-15. Edura kindergarten organizes trainings and institutional visits for professional development of its employees.

14 May 2024
Edura Kindergarten  in Berlin visits our FANÇO and Children s Day-care Centres

Nursery employees and managers of "Edura Kindertagestätten Yuvam gGmbH" (Edura Child Nurseries Yuvam A.Ş.) located in Berlin, Germany visit Children's Libraries, Mother and Child Centres and Children's Day-care Centres of Fatih Municipality on May 14-15. Every year, Edura Kindergarten provides its employees with professional information and development trainings, which are their legal right to develop in their profession, as well as visits to institutions to examine different examples of practice. In this context, the delegation visited Silivrikapı Children's Library and Mother and Child Center of Fatih Municipality on May 14 and exchanged information on the functioning of children's libraries. At the end of the programme, visitors participated in a mini workshop for stone painting. The delegation will visit Kasım Günani Day-care Centres on May 15th. On Thursday, May 16, they will visit Preschool Teaching Department of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University and its nursery.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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