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Fatih Municipality Continues to Cure our Little Friends

Fatih Municipality continues with medical examination and treatment of street animals at Street Animals Treatment Center opened on World Animal Day. Health needs are covered in line with requests from citizens and animals are healed.

16 October 2024
Fatih Municipality Continues to Cure our Little Friends

Fatih Municipality continues with medical examination and treatment of street animals at Street Animals Treatment Center opened on World Animal Day. Health needs are covered in line with requests from citizens and animals are healed.

Opened on World Animal Day by Fatih Municipality Directorate of Health Affairs, the Street Animals Treatment Center continues to expand its activities towards street animals. This center ensures care and treatment of injured or ill animals that are faced with difficult conditions on the streets and helps them live healthier lives. Many requests from the public are met until today and thousands of street animals were given health examination and treatment.

Veterinarians and health personnel at the center immediately intervene in health conditions of animals at the center and carry out the required treatment processes meticulously. Primarily animals injured on the streets or those that need care are taken into the center and treated after getting examined. In addition to treatment process, preventive services such as routine health controls, vaccination, and parasite treatment of animals are also provided at the center.

Numerous animals regained their health as a result of intensive works started at the center since its opening. Fatih Municipality targets increasing capacity of this center and help more street animals. Measures ensuring long-term health and safety of street animals such as sterilization, vaccination, and microchip applications are also taken at the treatment center. Thanks to these applications quality of life of street animals increases while also contributing to taking their population under control.

Street Animals Treatment Center does not remain limited to providing treatment services but also conduct treatment and information activities to raise awareness of people. In this scope, various campaigns are organized on the importance of animal love and protection of street animals, awareness raising activities are carried out on social media and various platforms. Fatih Municipality aims to encourage responsible behaviors by individuals as well as institutions with projects that emphasize street animals are an indispensable part of the society.

Interest and support of people towards the center is very important to continue these services. Citizens that come across an animal in need of help on the street can reach the center and request such animals are treated. Fatih Municipality quickly assessed these requests from citizens, ensuring animals regain health. In addition, placement of animals whose treatments are completed to suitable care centers or their homing are closely monitored.

Fatih Municipality notes that its actions to protect and meet health needs of street animals will continue. The municipality is planning new projects and investments to increase service quality of the center and reach more animals. In this scope it is also aimed to organize various activities to encourage especially homing and ensure animals lead their intimate and healthy lives in the society.

The Street Animals Treatment Center provides an inclusive service to ensure street animals are not only treated but also lead healthy and safe lives. Fatih Municipality targets these services are expanded with support of animal-lover citizens and living conditions of street animals are improved. These services provided for street animal are appreciated as a reflection of social responsibility understanding of the municipality.

It is noted that the center will continue to reach more street animals in the long term, meeting their treatment and care needs while it is emphasized that street animals must be seen as a part of social conscience.

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