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Fatih Municipality Received a Plaque from e-Government

Fatih Municipality that is one of the first 38 municipalities that present services on the e-Government Gateway that was activated in 2008 and that involved municipalities in June 2012 was presented with ‘e-Government Service Plaque’.

28 March 2013
Fatih Municipality Received a Plaque from e-Government

Minister of Interior Muammer Güler, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Binali Yıldırım, Deputy Mayor of Fatih Municipality Adnan Güler on behalf of the Fatih Municipality and representatives of other municipalities giving services on e-Government Gateway participated in ‘E-Government Gateway and Local Governments’ meeting organized on 14.03.2013 at JW Marriott Hotel in Ankara.

Electronic identity cards are fully secure

Minister of Interior Muammer Güler gave a speech in the program and described electronic identity card project and said: “With this service, citizens shall be given portable, difficult to forge identity cards with biometric properties ensuring fast services at institutions and organizations.”

Minister Yıldırım: ‘E-government is modern management’

In his speech Minister Binali Yıldırım said that institutions that refrain from sharing information and that try to sustain existing bureaucracy cannot be long lived and continued that: “I request that everyone knocks on the e-government gateway. If you do not knock on this door today, you cannot find place for yourself tomorrow. The problem here is mental transformation. 10 years ago our citizens would wait in line before the crack of dawn. Some used to wait at hospitals, some to give tax declaration or to get passports. This is the modern management that put an end to it all. Now our citizens can do all processes from their computers whether they are in China or in the U.S.

Following speeches, a ceremony was held to deliver plaques. Fatih Deputy Mayor Adnan Güler received e-Government Service Plaque from Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Binali Yıldırım.

Our Municipality presents the following services on e-Government Gateway

  • e-Government Services
  • Inquiring Debt
  • Inquiring Registration Information
  • Inquiring Collection Information
  • Other Services
  • Current Values of Land
  • Building Depreciation Rates
  • Environment Tax Rates

Applications of our municipality on e-Government Gateway can be accessed on https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/belediyeler?belediyeKodu=10039 internet page.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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