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Two More Awards to Fatih Municipality, the Architect of Pioneering Projects

Two projects of Fatih Municipality were deemed worthy of awards at the Golden Ant Awards, where the Marmara Municipalities Union rewards the good practices of its member municipalities for cities with high quality of life.

1 November 2022
Two More Awards to Fatih Municipality, the Architect of Pioneering Projects

In the competition, the successful projects among hundreds of projects in 10 categories, including Governance and Participation, Urban Planning and Infrastructure, Climate Change and Environmental Management, Urban Design and Architecture, Culture and Art, Social Services, Local Development, Transportation and Mobility, were awarded. Fatih Municipality was deemed worthy of an award in the category of Disaster Management with its “Projecting of Derelict Civil Architecture Building Examples” and in the category of Smart City Applications with its “Smart Conversion Card” project.


In his speech of thanks, Fatih Mayor Mehmet Ergün Turan, who was invited to the stage to receive the awards, said, “We continue to work hard for a more livable and peaceful Fatih. The awards you have deemed us worthy and your applause make us even more encouraged. I would like to thank my fellow citizens from Fatih. “I know that they sincerely believe that we will never let their trust and favor in vain. I greet all my fellow citizens and the attendants present in the hall with affection.”

Projecting of Derelict Civil Architecture Building Examples

With this project, which is a very important step for Istanbul, the current status of a total of 6,731 registered civil architectural buildings was determined. Current inventories of the buildings were taken by photographing them. Scoring was made for each structure according to the criteria determined by the restoration experts; accordingly, a danger and urgency table was created. The surveys of the currently derelict or civil architectural building stock that are on the edge of becoming derelict are being prepared and the buildings are documented in all details. In addition to this project, convenience is provided in some aspects such as prevention of environmental pollution, protection of urban aesthetics and provision of public safety.

Smart Conversion Card Project

Acting very meticulously in terms of environmental protection and zero waste in historical Suriçi, Istanbul, Fatih Municipality has the largest “Waste Collection” vehicle fleet in Istanbul. Thanks to the “Conversion Card” project, citizens not only recycle their waste, but also contribute to their own budgets. The balance generated in return for the waste brought by the citizens every month can be loaded into the personal “Conversion Card” and spent at the desired cafes, diners, restaurants and markets. With this project, around 100 thousand kilos of waste is recycled per month in Fatih, while a balance of approximately 50 thousand TL is loaded on Smart Conversion Cards.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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