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Union of Historical Towns Awarded the Continuity Award to Fatih Municipality

Fatih Municipality was awarded the “Continuity Award” in the Contest for Encouraging Historical and Cultural Heritage Conservation Projects and Practices organized by the Union of Historical Towns.

1 October 2022
Union of Historical Towns Awarded the Continuity Award to Fatih Municipality

Fatih Municipality hosted the 2nd Ordinary Assemble Meeting of the Union of Historical Towns, which operates in order to preserve the awareness of cultural heritage in Turkey, and the Contest for Encouraging Historical and Cultural Heritage Conservation Projects and Practices, given this in the name of Prof. Dr. Metin Sözen this year, who helped establish the union. The ceremony was attended by Hayrettin Güngör, the Mayor of Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality and the President of the Union of Historical Towns, Fatih Mayor Mehmet Ergün Turan as the host as well as mayors, council members and representatives from local administrations.

34 member municipalities participated with 67 projects in the competition, which was held for the 21st time this year at the Fatih Culture and Art Center and where 7 Project Awards, 7 Implementation Awards, 8 Continuity Awards and 9 Success Awards were awarded to the winners. The Contest for Encouraging Conservation, which has been held since 2001, supports and encourages the member municipalities of the Union of Historical Towns to strengthen the concept of “city with an identity”, to carry their cities' memory venues to the future, to restore and re-function the unutilized structures and to transform them into living centers and public venues. In the contest, Fatih Municipality won the Continuity Award with “Project, Application and Basic Maintenance and Repair Works of Historical Fountains; Simple Maintenance and Repair Works of Exemplary Civil Architecture Buildings in and around the Zeyrek World Heritage Site”


In his speech in the award ceremony, Mayor Mehmet Ergün Turan said: "These meetings enable the emergence of a common mind and prudent steps to be taken for our cities, not just temporary ones. The importance of our meeting for me is that the Union of Historical Towns deemed Fatih Municipality worthy of the Continuity Award. I and my friends find it valuable to win such an award. For this, I express my sincere gratitude.”

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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