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Director of Parks and Gardens

Received his undergraduate degree from Zonguldak Karaelmas University Department of Landscape Architecture.

After working at the private sector for some time, between 2006 and 2007 he started to work at Fatih Municipality Directorate of Parks and Gardens as control engineer. Between 2009 and 2014, he worked at Fatih Municipality Halktaş A.Ş. as Director of Technical Affairs.

Has been working as Fatih Municipality Director of Parks and Gardens since 2014.

Directorate of Parks and Gardens

The Directorate considers historic, social, and physical wealth and current needs at Historic Peninsula of Fatih to create world class parks, squares, and green spaces. Thus, the directorate conducts studies at shanty areas and abandoned spaces to develop more functional and aesthetically pleasing, sustainable areas. The directorate works with consciousness of the historic wealth our district has and develops plans and projects in concepts suitable to qualities of the historic peninsula, creating new parks, renewing existing parks, separates even the smallest suitable areas as parks, plants saplings, bushes and seasonal flowers on avenues, streets, and pavements to create prestigious venues. Develops projects on locations without any property problems spared as green areas in housing plans to transform them into park areas and to increase the space per square meter reserved for green areas. In addition, the directorate establishes sports areas, promenades, cultural areas to ensure people at every age can catch their breath in a concrete jungle have a pleasant development and life. The directorate also establishes playgrounds and presents green areas as facilities to service of the public. In order to keep parks and green areas in Fatih district borders well-maintained, clean and lively, experienced gardeners and workers controlled by expert engineers, architects and technicians conduct the necessary procedures.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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