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Director of Human Resources and Training

Received her undergraduate degree from Anadolu University Faculty of Economics.

Started her career at public office in 1990 at Çorlu Municipality. In 1993, she was transferred to Fatih Municipality. She served as officer, department head and deputy director at Directorate of Human Resources and Training. Since 2004, he has been serving as Director of Human Resources.

Directorate of Human Resources and Training

Responsible for providing employees to units of municipality in the framework of the relevant law, decree, by-law, regulations, and Union Agreement signed with labor union, conducting personnel, discipline, performance, and salary procedures and preparing position creation, degree and title changes by conducting position procedures. Responsible for making labor planning, employee selection and placement, determining training needs of all employees to prepare in-service training and motivation programs in order to ensure all units of the municipality can work with high performance. Also, it conducts strategic planning, performance programming, annual report, internal control action plan, and quality management system efforts.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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