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Director of Social Assistance Affairs

Received his undergraduate degree on Public Relations.

In 1996, he started working as an officer at Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality İETT Directorate General. He served as department head and deputy director at various units of İETT (Istanbul Electric Tram and Tunnel Enterprises). In 2004, he transferred to Fatih Municipality where he served as Director of Cultural and Social Affairs, Executive Assistant, Director of Press, Publications, and Public Relations, and Deputy Mayor between 2004 and 2018. He still serves as Director of Social Assistance Affairs.

Directorate of Social Assistance

Fatih Municipality Directorate of Social Assistance Affairs responds to aid requests of citizens in need that reside in the district in line with authority given by article 48 of Municipalities Law numbered 5393 and provisions of “Regulation on Principles and Standards of Permanent Staff of Municipalities and Subsidiaries and Local Administrations” and other relevant legislation. The directorate plans and executes delivery of all assistance in kind and in cash to persons in need that reside in the district. Also it performs duties such as provision of necessary assistance and support o disabled citizens, cooperating with volunteer organizations, conducting joint projects, giving stationary assistance to primary school children, making assistance in cash and in kind to persons at regions that are victims of natural disasters in country or abroad, opening and managing soup kitchens, and preparing inventory of persons receiving assistance in the district.

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