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Director of Building Audit

Directorate of Building Audit

The directorate conducts monitoring and inspection activities in order to ensure plans for all areas inside and outside municipality and neighborhood are made and all official and private buildings according to such plans are constructed in line with plans, scientific, health, and environmental conditions. The directorate prepares plans for planned structuring of the town, conducts monitoring and inspection to ensure buildings are constructed according to existing housing plan and historical structure is preserved and that buildings constructed in the town are made according to plans and in safety and quality standards that would meet required legal conditions. In case unlicensed activities are detected at registered buildings or monuments and in case decision is taken to constitute the basis for action, the issue is forwarded to Regional Directorate for Protection of Cultural Assets Number 4 and red tag is placed on construction until final decision is taken. Directorate of Building Audit also conducts studies on housing procedure files and takes necessary legal action based on petitions from citizens or official letters from public institutions and organizations.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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