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Director of Press, Publication, and Public Relations

Received her undergraduate degree on Public Relations.

In 1997, she was assigned to Sarıyer Municipality Directorate of Press, Publication, and Public Relations as an officer. In 2000, she was transferred to Fatih Municipality and served as a supervisor at Directorate of Press, Publication, and Public Relations between 2000 and 2018 and at Directorate of Culture and Social Affairs between 2018 and 2019. In August 2019, she was assigned as Director of Press, Publication, and Public Relations which she still continues.

Directorate of Press, Publication, and Public Relations

Directorate of Press, Publication, and Public Relations of Fatih Municipality was established in 1984 and continues its activities to this day.

Directorate of Press, Publication, and Public Relations creates solutions to increase satisfaction with municipal services, create a strong and trustworthy municipality image that meets expectations of residents, ensuring participation in administration, raising consciousness of the public, and reinforce local governments and local democracy.

The Directorate aims to circulate and make permanent studies increasing recognition of the Historic Peninsula Fatih through written and visual communication media, transferring them to future generations and contribute to cultural accumulation.

Our Directorate’s vision is making lives of Fatih residents easier with social municipality understanding to make them enjoy material and spiritual pleasure of being residents of Fatih and improve their quality of life.

In addition, basic activities of our directorate are following written and visual media, advertising social, cultural, and technical services with various materials, preparing projects for every level of the society in order to ensure suggestions and complaints are solved in the shortest time and social municipal works are reinforced.

https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65 https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr/main/pages/fabim/65
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